It's time for a passionate, principled, plainspoken conservative outsider to represent you.
I'm Brian Brazeal

Extraordinary record of business and personal achievement

No political office previously held or sought

No special interest money to keep me from serving the people

No elitism, Leftism, or cronyism

Just God, the Constitution, & freedom according to the rule of law

Oath to the People
If you vote for me, I pledge to vigorously and energetically link arms with like-minded conservative outsiders in government to enact the following 12-point reform plan and change the direction of our country:
Stop the Invasion.
Secure the Border.
Millions are invading America via our southern border. Leftist politicians encourage it. Others talk . . . but do nothing. I will introduce or support laws to . . .

Repeal Medical Tyranny.
Reopen America.
Elitist cronies like Dr. Fauci and President Biden hijacked COVID to control and terrorize Americans. Enough. No more mass firings. No more mandates. No more sinister databases. To reopen both safely & freely, I will introduce or support laws to . . .
Stop Critical Race Theory (CRT) and Indoctrination.
Congress should not force taxpayers to fund Marxist indoctrination of their own children, military, and government workers. I will introduce or support laws to . . .

Restore Jobs. Cut Inflation.
The quickest way back to prosperity is restoring energy independence. Then combine that with lower taxes and federal spending only on constitutional necessities. This will begin to restrain the debt. I will introduce or support laws to . . .
Protect Innocent Human Life.
From conception until natural death, the federal government has a duty to protect innocent human life. Today’s politicians often talk a good game, but don’t vigorously confront “Abortion, Inc.” I will. I will introduce or support laws to . . .

Promote the Family. Protect Our Children.
America won’t remain free, stable, and prosperous if government is an enemy of the traditional family and biological gender. That’s not only scriptural—it’s social science. What can Congress do? Plenty. I will introduce or support laws to . . .
Defend Religious Freedom.
The radical left wants Judeo-Christian influence out of society, while the establishment is often embarrassed by open biblical faith. Congress must vigorously push back. I will introduce or support laws to . . .

Restore Our Laws. Including Fair Elections.
The left honors raw power, not constitutional law and transcendent principles under God. And establishment elites and cronies talk tough, but do little to counter the left. I won’t play those games. I will honor my oath. I will introduce or support laws to . . .
Defend Americans. Not Globalism.
American loyalty is to Americans, not the world. For too long, national defense and foreign policy have benefited special interests rather than the broad fabric of our communities. We need a strong military. We need a robust defense. But we must prioritize the nation, not globalist entities. I will introduce or support laws to . . .

End the Practice of Insider Trading.
Regular, everyday Americans are constantly astounded how someone can run for Congress and not have a lot of wealth, but then via an annual salary of $174,000 come out years later worth tens of millions. No more backroom deal corruption. I will introduce or support laws to . . .
Increase Voting Transparency.
It is past time to end the practice of 1,000 page bills, written by lobbyists and special interests, and then shoving them onto the floor for a vote with little time for members to read them. Long ago, when Republicans asked the American people for a majority in the House (which was given to them in 2010 by the grassroots), they made promises to end this practice, but nothing changed. I will support . . .

Serve God and the People. Not the Swamp.
I am not and will never be defined by a title. I am first and foremost a Christian. My faith provides the moral foundation for my life, and every decision I make will be one made after prayer. I am not running for fame and fortune, and not to feed my own ego. I am running to serve the people of CD26 and America, and stand in the gap to protect our liberties. I truly believe we can fix this mess, and if we get principled conservatives to stand and fight for the people, and against the swamp, America will see her best days ahead.
Sign your name below to stand with me.
Help me accomplish this reform plan in Congress.

I Will Fight for You.

I believe Republicans who are passive today while our nation drifts in crisis are as tragically dangerous in their own way as the Democrats who drive the leftward drift.
We need members of Congress who will drain the Swamp, not float or bathe in it.
We need members of Congress who will fight the Left with high energy, not passively voice opposition without pushing back effectively.
I believe CD 26 deserves a representative who will join the House Freedom Caucus and other conservative associations, not abstain from them or criticize them.
I believe Republican primary voters have the power to change the course of Congress and the nation.
You can do this by voting for a conservative outsider in Texas District 26 in the March 1 Republican Primary.